To My Kenzie Girl on Her 1st Birthday

It doesn’t feel like you should be one yet.. but then again I feel like you’ve been in our lives forever.

The second I laid eyes on you 365 days ago I fell in love with you. I knew you were going to be accepted into our family with open arms and loving hearts when each member meet you.

You were not the easiest baby by a long shot always clinging to me, not letting anyone else hold you without a meltdown, despite this you still melted all the hearts in the room when they could coax a smile out of you. You taught us how to be more patient with a little stint of colic that now seems like eons ago.

Once you found your way around wiggling your cute little body to get to the places you desire your entire personality changed. You became a light of sunshine in everyone’s day. Your smile stretching from ear to ear showing off the enormous and adorable gap between your two front teeth when you accomplished your goal. Independence looks good on you.Your love for music is like nothing I’ve ever seen in a baby your age. The way you dance to the beat every time a tune is played whether during our daily family dance parties, in the background on one of Piper’s television shows, or a toy that makes music, you always move to the music with happiness shining through your entire body, it is one of my favorite things about you.

You compliment our family to the tenth degree. You make us whole. My little strawberry, my happy girl. The adventures we’ve had together in your first year have been amazing; we moved when you were only 6 weeks old, visited the beach often, went on a few mini trips, spent endless time with family, watched Piper play soccer and dance her heart out. We lost our family dog, you probably won’t remember him but he loved you intently and even let you pull his tail, which he never did with Piper. This year has been filled with excitement, struggles and smiles, a healthy dose of each.

Your relationship with your sister grows stronger each day. She love helping to teach you to play, draw, give hugs and crawl around. Watching the two of you play together is a magic no one could fabricate. The two of you are my greatest accomplishments.

You can say a few small words: mama, dada, and bye-bye. You nod your head in agreement in the most darling way, eyes wide as ever. You are so close to walking, I’m ok with it it you want to wait a while longer. You are our daredevil, climbing stairs and standing on your toys every chance you get. Everything about you makes me smile.I can’t wait for the many adventures in store and to be there along side you as you grow and learn the world around you. You are so special to us all. One is such a fun age with exciting milestones to look forward to.

Happy first birthday little love!



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  • Grissel Brooks
    June 9, 2016 at 3:46 pm

    Shaylaboosmommy I’m entering the giveaway.

    • aliasullivan
      June 9, 2016 at 5:25 pm

      sorry for the confusion! The post you enter on is the Doughnut Garden Party post 🙂 Good luck!