This is FOUR! :: Piper Leanne

People tell you how fast it goes all the time when you are holding onto your sweet newborn baby in the hospital bed after bringing that precious life into the world. I always thought yeah, yeah… I’ve heard it a million times… I didn’t truly believe it until October 26th; I blinked and my daughter is all of a sudden FOUR! I’ve been a mom for four years! How did that happen? ((I know this post is insanely late but didn’t want to not post it! I’ve had it written for forever and I’m not sure why I haven’t gotten it up until now.. #mombrain))

Piper is turning into a young lady with so much personality, determination, and love for life. She drives me crazy and she makes me the happiest mama in the world within minutes of each other.

Before I know it she’ll be going to sleepovers, then driving and out with boys (or girls), married with her own children at warp speed. I can’t handle it! D O N ‘ T  B L I N K !

Emotions are flooding through me as I watch Piper every day get a little smarter, a little sassier, and more and more observant. It amazes me how much information she retains, how much empathy she portrays, and her sheer disappointment when things don’t play out the way she expects them to. Seeing Piper’s face when she found out Donald Trump won the presidential election brought tears to my eyes… she’s 4, you guys. She shouldn’t be concerned with the election. I didn’t even know she knew anything about it until the day before the actual election when she told me all about voting for the type of meat they wanted in their tacos at school, then proceeded to tell me she was voting for Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump because she thinks Hillary Clinton would do the best job with the country. We don’t even talk about it or watch the news while she is awake. Do they teach political views in preschool or is she making up her own mind? I believe it is the latter of the two. I am a huge advocate of letting my children make up their own mind when it comes to opinions, although with this one I’m 100% with her.


Is this four? I guess it is her four…  She just seems so grown up in this tiny little body.

ed605434-33f9-4393-b94d-ba74424006d3Of course most moments my smart little cookie is playing dress up or standing on her head. For some reason, she always seems to be attempting head and handstands. She loves to play outside collecting rocks and riding her scooter or tricycle, she is always asking what letter every word starts with and her love for her sister is immense. She is also addicted to drawing and must spend 4 hours a day with a pad of paper and pack of colored pencils, she’s getting good at drawing hearts, animals, people, and monsters; her monsters are my favorite! Piper loves to tell, what she calls, jokes. Most make absolutely no sense but she laughs at the end every time and that makes people laugh with her.


She is the most amazing little girl and deserves the best out of this world. I’m doing everything in my power to give her just that!

As traditions go here are some Questions and Answers for my newly four-year-old big girl:

What is your:

  • Favorite food? Corn
  • Favorite animal? A Unicorn
  • Favorite color? Purple
  • Who are your best friends? Maddie!!! and Zoe, Samantha, Anthony, and Nathan
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A Veterinarian
  • What is love? I love mommy!!! (gives big giant hugs) Love is happy!

At 4 Piper is 29 pounds and 38 inches tall putting her in the 15th percent of all the cute little 4-year-olds.

I somehow convinced Pat, my amazing husband, to sand and lacquer a piece of wood we bought at the hardware store (just kidding, he was happy to do it!) and then I put these absolutely adorable custom decals from Little Acorns By Ro on it to make our very own DIY growth chart. But seriously, I’m obsessed with it! Tracking our girl’s growth couldn’t be more fun and now we can do it with style and keep the results forever! Use code GROW2o for 20% off your order at Little Acorns By Ro

Slow down my little peanut. You don’t need to save the world… yet! I’m rooting for you to be our president one day or to do something amazing for this world we live in, I know you’ll move mountains in whatever path you chose. I love you to the moon and back x’s infinity. You’ll always be my baby girl even when you tell me you’re a BIG girl and NOT a baby. I’ll never stop kissing those checks and squeezing you until you wiggle away.




Four years old, a yearly birthday letter. Easy memorable traditions!  #parenting

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  • brigettedanielle
    February 23, 2017 at 8:07 am

    ADORABLE!!! That smile in the Elsa dress just melts the heart! You have inspired me to do a post like this when my children have their birthdays! I think it is a great way to keep a record that they can always look back too! GREAT IDEA!