5 Tips for Curbing Colic :: Gerber Sooth

The minute our second daughter Kenzie was born she was the light of our life. My husband instantly bonded to her and I was infatuated with her, everything about her was perfect. Our family was complete. Kenzie came into this world with so much love, 100% healthy and was such a beautiful baby girl we couldn’t have hoped for anyone more perfect…and then a few weeks later the colic set in.

There was nothing we could do to comfort Kenzie’s incessant crying. She wanted me all the time and wouldn’t let her dad, aunt, uncle, grandpa, grandma, our friends… anyone…hold her, besides me. It was draining to say the least. How could a baby so small and precious be so challenging? The instant bond of daddy-daughter fell quickly away, I can only imagine how tough that would be to feel rejected by your own daughter when she doesn’t want anyone but mommy.


Looking back at it now that Kenzie is 15 months old the days of nonstop crying although were so slow and tiring then, were only a brief stint in her life that now seems like eons ago. I wasn’t always sure if we’d make it through it, trust me, it was hard.

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Here’s a little list of some things that helped our family deal with our fussy little one:

1.) Swaddle all day every day. Especially at night for better sleep!

2.) The Pacifier. We resorted to a pacifier when the crying started getting hard to handle, it takes a toll on you. Kenzie was very picky but once we found the brand she liked it really helped sooth her.

3.) Gerber® Sooth probiotic colic drops from Gerber® I believe a lot of the issue with Kenzie were related to gas and these drops seemed to help out a lot. We used the drops as a last resort because I wasn’t sure how I felt about giving my baby anything besides breast milk, if I had the chance to go back I would have started these Gerber® Sooth probiotic colic drops a whole lot sooner!4.) White noise. A sound machine worked well at bed time, we still use it and Kenzie is thankfully (I hope I’m not jinxing myself) a really good sleeper!

5.) Walks. Lots and lots of walks, Kenzie loves being outside in the fresh air, it calms her instantly.

Head over to Gerber’s new Sooth webpage to learn more about colic and what else might work to help your little one through their tough time, no one likes crying all the time. Baby and parents deserve a break.

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I received a free sample of Gerber® Sooth probiotic colic drops from Gerber®. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting 2BlondeMamas!


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