Our Whole Life In Boxes + Moving Day Tips! 

Life has a funny way of keeping things interesting…stressful and exciting all at once. The day after we brought Kenzie home from the hospital at a mere 4 DAYS OLD there was a knock at the door, it was our landlord. He knew we were expecting so I figured he was coming by with his congratulations. Boy was I wrong. He came over to deliver a 60-day notice, his daughter recently got engaged and is moving back to the area, where else, but into our place!

Jump to the end of this post for Tips for Moving with babies and toddlers! 

packing paper


Shock… I was in shock. Especially after finishing the whole nesting faze. Piper’s big girl room complete and Kenzie’s nursery painted to what I consider perfection, thanks to my amazing husband.

After a few weeks of stressing out spending every second that I was counting on bonding with our new baby as a family house hunting, we finally found a home to call our own. I’m nervous and excited to start fresh in a new town with new surroundings.

Change is hard but hopefully, this one will be a good thing for our family.

playing with paper

We’ve put all four of our lives into boxes and are headed out to a new adventure. I’m looking forward to a new start for my family, a kitchen that isn’t a hallway and more space altogether!


Ok, here are a few tips for moving I learned from packing up the house with a brand new baby just after a c-section:

Tips for Moving with a Baby and Toddler:

ASK FOR HELP! If you have family nearby or friends ask for help. Moving is hard with or without children.

If you don’t have time to do it all hire movers – I haven’t used movers because we had enough help from family but I know several people who have and they all had a good experience.

• Boxes – search for used boxes on Facebook Marketplace. You’ll be surprised how many people are begging for you to take them off their hands!

Get started early if you can. Pack a few boxes of nonessentials each day. That can really help the feeling of overwhelm from eating at you.

PURGE as you go. The more you can donate or giveaway, the less you have to unpack!

Get your toddler involved and have them pack a box or two of their toys. It will make them feel included and a bit more comfortable in the move.

• PACE YOURSELF! Don’t overdo it. At the end of a busy day packing and moving your children are still going to need you.

If you have friends or family that are willing to help with the kids for a few hours while you pack, take advantage of that! The kids will have so much more fun playing than watching you pack.

When we were packing Piper my 3-year-old played with her cousins and the baby stayed with me since she was nursing and just 3 weeks old! I wasn’t able to help with any lifting because of my c-section so I am so thankful for the family that was willing to help pack and unpack each moving trailer.

Good luck with your move!

Tips for Moving with babies and toddlers
Xo- Alia

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  • Amanda Bravo
    July 12, 2015 at 8:40 am

    oh man!!! That is crazy! Best of luck!! I remember I did the girls nursery 3 times in three different homes. Then we moved to Oregon. Haha.

  • Kenzie: 2 Months! | 2 Blonde Mamas
    July 28, 2015 at 10:07 am

    […] slowed down and then sped up in the last 2 months. Month one has come and gone so quickly with our move, going back to work and day to day life. I can’t believe Kenzie is 2 months […]

  • Brandie P.
    October 23, 2015 at 4:33 am

    Here’s a moving tip: Don’t place the plates flat in a box. Place them on their sides and add filler material to keep the plates in place. Adding cardboard dividers in the box will help keep the plates steady and protected. Follow all the tips here and you won’t have a problem packing your precious items.

  • K. Peters
    February 15, 2016 at 7:52 am

    Your article is great in every possible way. Thanks for sharing these helpful moving tips. You help a lot of people I’m sure of it.