Kenzie: 3 Months!

3 months oldKenzie is 3 months old today! The doctor told us after the first 3 months things are a lot easier with a baby with colicky tendencies but with a huge sigh of relief, just a few days after her 2 month appointment things started to get easier day by day.


Kenzie is such a happy, vocal, observant baby. Her smiles are huge, stretching across her round little face from ear to ear. Her giggles are adorable, making her laugh feels like a gift for my soul. She already seems like she WANTS to tell us stories. She responds to our questions with the most adorable noises that steal my heart every time. During tummy time she rocks back and forth getting ready to roll over. She chews on her hands and blankets constantly. Kenzie is becoming more engaged at our nightly story time looking at the pictures with her big blue eyes and listening to the words intently. Reading is my favorite because I get cuddles from both my girls!


xo- Alia

“My favorite thing about Kenzie Jean is hugging her!” – Piper


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