Garden Themed Easter Baskets for little girls
Gift Guides Holidays

Garden Themed Easter Baskets for Little Girls

With just one week until Easter, it’s time to get serious and get those Easter baskets together! I’m the worst when it comes to waiting to the last minute so I’m super thankful for stores like Target and Amazon Prime’s 2-day shipping! They really are a lifesaver. Without them, I’d never be prepared for the holidays. This year I decided to skip the toys (my girls already have way too much stuff) and put together garden-themed Easter baskets.

I found the cutest watering cans, little gardening gloves, and shovel sets. Since my daughters (who are currently 3 and 6) are always begging to help plant things and water the flowers I’m positive they will love these baskets! It’s just too bad the Easter Bunny is going to get all the credit!

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*Links at end of post updated March 2, 2021, most of these items are not available year-round. The product images in the slider are clickable.

Garden Themed Easter Baskets

Here’s what’s inside their garden-themed Easter baskets this year:

We’re not big on candy in Easter Baskets because the kids always get more candy than they can eat at the family egg hunt so you won’t find any candy in these baskets. 


1. Watering Can – I found these adorable watering cans for just $7 at Target.

2. Gardening Gloves – with matching gardening gloves! There are some really cute ones on Amazon too.

3. Shovel Set – Gotta have the right size shovel for all the gardening these are just too cute!

4. Seeds – I’ve never seen these seed balls before. These will make planting so much easier for the girls! Wildflowers are always fun! I also got (5.) seed pops from Target for some vegetables! I’m sure my girls are going to love watching their very own carrots and string beans sprout. It’s the gift that keeps on giving. I love watching things grow, and then getting to eat them in the end!

6. Pot with Flower Seeds – They’ll love planting their own flower seeds and watching them grow and bloom. These also play a good lesson in taking care of something! Gotta water it to keep it alive, good practice for a family puppy? These (7) Forget Me Not flower kits are also super cute.

8. Toy Bubble GunI think it’s safe to say all kids love bubbles. We’ve had these bubble shooters before and they held up really well.

9. Rain Boots – Thinking of adding in some cute rain boots for while they are planting too!

10. And of course, we’ll be putting them all inside a cute basket like this one!

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Want more ideas for Easter baskets? Here are last year’s fun baskets! 


I hope you have a wonderful Easter and your kids love their Easter Basket goodies! a life and style blog



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