Anyone who blogs knows how hard it can be to move content, design a new platform and start over fresh… let alone start out to begin with. (I’m still not entirely done but taking it one post at a time!) Which is why I missed January but, one thing I’ll be doing this year is monthly recaps. This is a way for me to let family and friends out of state or out of town know what we’ve been up to and to share some of our favorite things with you. I say “our” because this blog is as much mine as it is my daughters, who knows one day they might even write there own posts!
So here it goes! Our February Recap:
February first is Pat’s birthday. What better way to start a month than with a birthday? The girls and I blew up balloons, made a nice dinner, wrapped up a few fun gifts and celebrated in the evening with him. We even took a day off for a 3 day weekend to celebrate more, traveling south to Big Sur. We had a picnic in the river at our favorite spot and then played at the most beautiful beach. It was uncharacteristically 80 degrees all weekend, which none of us could complain about!
Piper learned how to ride a 2 wheel bike! She saw the neighbor do it and decided she should try out her bike. Without saying a thing she picked up Hailey’s bike, got on, pushed herself off the curb and started riding! Her training wheels came off a few minutes later and she’s got it down! We just need to work with her on stopping. 🙂
Both of my grandfather’s turned 92 years old! The girls and I got to spend time with my Grandpa Dom on his birthday, my Grandpa Les lives in Illinois but we enjoyed talking on to him the phone and the girls always love singing happy birthday. We hope to get out to see him very soon!

Last time we saw my Grandpa Les, on his 89th birthday! It’s been way too long!
Valentine’s Day is always one of my favorites because who doesn’t love – love, flowers, and chocolate?! Valentine’s day is so much fun with the girls! Although I could do without the mountain of candy and cheap trinkets that come home with them from school. Anyone else? Anyway, I love dressing up, any excuse to stop working a little bit early to make dinner with my husband and just be together is a good one!
We had a total of 2 rainy days! Woohoo! Maybe next month will bring more rain so we don’t dip back into a major drought… hopefully! The highlight of the rain was Piper’s adorable new rainboots and a double rainbow!
Pat got to travel to Utah for a snow trip with work. Totally jealous of my husband’s snow trip so I’ve been searching the internet for good deals on tickets to just about anywhere we can sneak away to.
Pat couldn’t make it to the Father-Daughter Dance with Piper, so he took her on a Daddy-Daughter date instead. They got all dressed up, went to the park and to dinner at Piper’s favorite restaurant then to Ice Cream. It was so stinkin’ cute! Piper still talks about their date!
Fashion Week & The Olympics kept us all entertained. Fashion week is always my favorite time of year. I have some fun ideas for the upcoming seasons from all the shows I followed from New York to the Fashion Weeks in Europe. The Winter Olympics always brings me back to my figure skating days as a kid and Pat loves watching all the snowboarding. The girls were fascinated by both! Too bad there is no snow or ice rink close enough to raise little Olympic Athletes.
Another School Shooting. Such a tragedy that these happen at all and even more disturbing how often. I can’t even…
Everyone in this house spent time sick. Out of school or work. It’s that darn cold season, but it could have been much worse!
Pat’s been working so much that we haven’s seen a lot of him.
There was no Grey’s Anatomy to watch, haha! Really, though it’s pretty much my only show and I barely have time to watch it when it is on. Thankful for the ability to schedule recordings!
So long February and HELLO March!
Coming Soon
This month I’ll be sharing What to Wear for Easter, The Best Easter Baskets Goodies for Little Girls, Our Favorite Children’s Books, Spring Fashion Favorites, and some Rainy Day Indoor Activities. So come back soon!
March 5, 2018 at 2:31 amI love your Valentine’s photos!! And I love the idea of your daughters writing on your blog someday!!
March 5, 2018 at 2:33 amI love all your posts with those sweet girls
March 5, 2018 at 2:35 amI need to start doing monthly posts like this, love it!!!
March 5, 2018 at 2:43 amA good month! How awesome to have your grandpas!
March 5, 2018 at 2:58 amThis is so fun! Y’all are precious!
Chelsee Hood
March 5, 2018 at 4:07 amLooks like you had a great month! Love the video!
March 5, 2018 at 1:39 pmthose girls are the cutest!! what a fantastic month!