tips to sleep better

7 Tips For Better Sleep Tonight (That Actually Work)

Sleep is one of those things, those things you take for granted until you don’t get it. I never had a problem sleeping until recently and I couldn’t figure out why. There are several things that can make someone have insomnia, according to Mayo Clinic the most common are stress,  travel or work schedules, poor sleep habits, eating too much too late in the evening, caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol. I’m an over-thinker and get overwhelmed easily which causes me to have a hard time sleeping but there is more to it. Even when I’m not up in bed thinking of all the things I need to accomplish the next day I have a hard time sleeping.

It wasn’t until after my second daughter was born, we bought our first house and settled into a new area that I developed an issue sleeping. We even bought a king size bed thinking that would do the trick, but it didn’t. So, I started looking into it and put together the tips I’ve found actually work to get better sleep every night.

This post is sponsored by Orb Wellness but as always, all opinions are my own.

tips to sleep better

7 Tips For Better Sleep

Turn off your devices:

Devices such as your smartphone, laptop, and even your television produce blue light which can cause your brain to think it needs to stay up longer. Simply putting your devices away and turning the tv off about an hour before bedtime will help your mind shut off for bedtime.

Calm the mind:

Things like light yoga and meditation can help you stop thinking about whatever worries may be on your mind. Try ten minutes of either right before bed. I’m also big on writing things out, this has been helping me ease my mind when I have a lot of tasks to accomplish in the week, or a trip to pack up my family of 4 for. Try writing out your list an hour before bed so you aren’t laying there thinking about what else you may have forgotten.

7 tips for better sleep

Try Orb Sleep Complex:

I’m sure if you’ve had problems sleeping in the past you’ve already tried lavender oil and melatonin from the drug store. I was introduced to Orb Sleep Complex about a month ago and am impressed by all the benefits of the complex. Orb Sleep Complex contains a combination of Melatonin and B12 with Valerian, L-Theanine, GABA and 5-HTP that is time released throughout the night when your body needs them most helping you fall asleep faster and for a longer period of time.

Each ingredient has a helpful purpose, Melatonin with Valerian help promote relaxation and sleep. L-Theanine is a natural antioxidant which acts as a calming agent. Don’t worry you’re still getting your Lavander and Ylang Ylang oils that have been known to help you sleep better for decades. Last but not least Vitamin B-12 is timely released helping you wake up and feel less groggy in the morning.

You can find Orb Sleep Complex at Costco HERE  if you give it a shot please let me know how you like it!

orb sleep complex

Keep it Cool:

My husband listens to NPR nonstop, he’s what I’d call addicted to the news station. He was telling me all about a broadcast on sleep and how important the temperature of the room you are sleeping in affects your sleep. It was very interesting and made us turn our airconditioner down at night to keep our room between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. I’ve also heard to keep your feet warmer than the rest of your body by wearing socks to bed. Every time I try that I end up with the socks off my feet by the time I wake up, so I’m not sure how acurate that one is.

A better Pillow:

Try out different pillows until you find the one that is right for you. I’ve tried so many pillows… seriously so many pillows. I finally found one that helps me to be comfortable throughout the night and wake up ache-free. It’s made a huge difference.


Put the Kids Back in Their Own Beds:

I don’t know about you but my daughters are always crawling into our bed in the middle of the night. As much as I love the cuddles I can’t sleep well with them in the bed. Even with a king size they always manage to create an H between my husband and me, one of us gets feet kicking all night and the other a hard head against their back. It only takes a few minutes, bring them back to their own beds and reserve some time in the morning once the sun is up for all the cuddles.

The Darker the Better

Keep your room dark so your body knows it’s bedtime. Once the sun shines through those curtains you’ll be much more likely to wake up refreshed and ready to take on the day.



If we could all sleep soundly for about 8 hours a night we’d all be happier and healthier individuals! Using the combination of these tips I’ve been sleeping much better and I hope you will too!

What are your tips for better sleep?

Want more? Head HERE for baby and toddler sleep tips. 


7 tips for better sleep tonight


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  • Crystal Kirkpatrick
    July 31, 2018 at 1:07 pm

    Love this 🙂
    BTW I have been telling hubby about the night temperature thing for YEARS! He doesn’t believe me! 😂

    • Alia Sullivan
      July 31, 2018 at 5:04 pm

      It makes sense! I hate running the ac at night because I’m freezing downstairs. But I like to sleep so… sleep wins! haha

  • Angela
    August 1, 2018 at 6:34 am

    I think I need some of this in my life! Some nights I just can turn off my brain!

  • Sierra
    August 1, 2018 at 7:02 am

    I need to do a better job at calming my mind before I got to sleep. This sleep complex sounds so interesting! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  • Tamara
    August 1, 2018 at 8:17 am

    MY sleep has been horrible lately. I need to use some of these tips.