5 things to help your cleaning routine this fall

5 Goals To Make This Fall for House & Home

I’m sure you’ve heard of New Years Resolutions and Goals but what about Back To School Goals? It seems like a good idea to me. A restart button on all things routine.

It’s only my second time with kids headed out the door for a new school year. Piper started Kindergarten and Kenzie 3’s Preschool on Monday. This year I’m doing something a little different to get us all in a new routine to utilize time the best we can. Aside from family, work, and school, there is always the house, the place where we call home that keeps us safe from weather and comforts us after a long day doing all that we do, and like everything else important in our lives it needs attention. So here are the goals I’ve set to keep up with the house this school year.

This post is sponsored by The Libman Company but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

5 Goals To Make This Fall for House & Home

1. Organize Clothing Closets

For the Kids: With all the new school clothes and the kids getting bigger by what feels like the minute, clothes need to be organized, handed down, or donated. Same goes for shoes! If you live somewhere with actual seasons, unlike me here in California, you may want to switch out summer clothing for fall clothing come mid-September too.

For Mom & Dad: My closet is in desperate need of an update. Keeping things organized is not my strong point and I blame it on my closet built-ins. I’d love to redo my entire closet system but in reality, there are plenty of home projects on my list before this one happens. For now, I plan on going through all my clothes and simplifying my wardrobe by donating anything I haven’t worn in over a year.

2. Keep it Clean

Messes happen, with kids, they happen often! It’s so much easier to keep things clean if you stay on top of the mess and don’t let it get out of hand -DIRTY. I’ve set 2 one hour time slots per week to clean up the house. Not just tidy up toys, that happens daily, but actually clean the dirt and grime. This is my dedicated time to pull out the Wonder Mop and sanitize the floors, wipe down countertops, and vacuum the rugs and carpets. I’m not gonna lie, I have a house cleaner that comes 2x a month to help maintain the house but with kids, I could use them every day!

libman wonder mop

This house has a lot of floor – tile and wood is throughout the entire 1st level. We need a mop that can handle the whole floor, not just the spilled apple juice in the kitchen. The Libman Wonder Mop is a perfect addition to our arsenal of cleaning supplies.

Little hint: younger kids LOVE to help clean, so use it to your advantage and teach them young! Piper and Kenzie have been fighting over who gets to mop the floor. I might just have to buy them each their very own Wonder Mop! 

5 things to help your cleaning routine this fall

Not inspired? New cleaning supplies always seem to do the trick for me and you can save $3 on the Libman family of Mops and cleaning accessories by going to THIS LINK.


5 things to help your cleaning routine this fall

3. Pick Something to Clean Out Weekly

I did this a couple years ago for a New Years Resolution. Pick one random drawer, box of kid toys, cabinet, under the bed, the refrigerator, one… whatever, per week and clean it out by organizing, purging unneeded items and wiping down the surfaces.  I started with one per day last time and that didn’t last as long as I had hoped so one a week may be more realistic for anyone with a busy schedule.

4. Room Revamps

Revamp each room with things as small as a few accent pieces, a pretty plant, or your child’s artwork, perhaps. It’s gratifying and people will notice the difference.

Owning a house is one project after another and I love the challenge. I’m more than excited to take on one room at a time revamping it. The key here is one at a time. Don’t pressure yourself to do it ALL at once. I just finished my combined office/guest room by adding some pops of color, and new bedding and I love the outcome! I’ll be sharing very soon! I said finished but that’s not entirely true, there will be a phase two, where I’ll be swapping out some old furniture in the near future.  One room down a million to go.

5. Laundry

This one I have trouble with! All the laundry. It’s endless! I’ve heard a few bloggers suggest doing one load of laundry every day so it isn’t so overwhelming. My goal is to do close to that… we’ll see how it works out! I have 3 baskets of clean folded laundry in my bedroom now that have been sitting there for days…literally days. I think I’ll train the girls to fold and put away all the clothes asap! lol!

Seriously, tell me, how do you keep up?


New Years will come soon enough and you can reset your goals again and add to them then, I know I will!

I don’t know about you but having goals and accomplishing them always makes me feel good. Crossing things off a list physically is always so gratifying so I made a free printable for your house goals where you can fill in your own goals. I hope you find it helpful!



Print me now or pin me for later:

weekly home goals printable


goals for cleaning and organizing the house this fall

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