Christmas Time Prep!

Let me start by telling you a story about last Christmas… things didn’t go as planned.

I had worked Christmas up to the most magical day ever in my mind, I’m sure I’m not alone in this. Looking forward to spending a special few days with family eating, laughing and gifting.  We were all set to host Christmas Eve at our house; pantry stocked, lasagna made (both regular and gluten-free versions), apple cobbler in the slow cooker, decorations in full effect and a ton of cookie dough to make and decorate cookies for Santa with a small army of kids. It was perfect and I was ahead of the game…
We woke up at 5 am on the morning of Christmas Eve to Piper on fire with a 106* fever, we inevitably had to cancel Christmas Eve. Tears were shed from disappointment by both Piper and me, maybe even Pat. Piper’s fever held between 106 and 107, and it took days to diagnose her properly, scaring us all beyond words. Disturbing words like childhood cancer were thrown out there…after being pricked, prodded and x-rayed countless times they finally figured out she had pneumonia. A few more days and a couple of antibiotic shots later she was back to her happy, healthy self. Thank God.



This year we will be attempting to host Christmas Eve once again!

My fingers AND toes are crossed we don’t get any surprises this year disrupting us from being together this holiday season!

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I’ve already started prepping. Getting decorations up early (everything but our tree and the outdoor lights are up!), the menu is decided, and stocking the pantry with things I sometimes forget like extra toilet paper, paper towels, napkins and tissue. With all the extra guests in the house, the last thing I’d want is to run out of something like toilet paper!

Luckily  offers same-day delivery in many areas. I signed up to have our paper products come on a subscription basis last week and am looking forward to never running out of these items I admittedly forget at the store often! You know you’re an adult when you are excited about a box of Cottonelle on the front doorstep! But seriously, one less thing to worry about in a busy day!


Now we have plenty of paper products in the house. Even enough to play a couple games with.

Gotta let those kids be little…

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Christmas Prep

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