I am 23 weeks pregnant today, a little over half way! That means it is time to start to think about my 2nd baby girl’s nursery! My due date is May 28th. There are so many fun options to think about… black and white, hot air balloons, teal and pink…and I can’t get away from polka dots even though Piper’s room has a polka dot wall.
As a designer putting Piper’s nursery together was very important to me. Everything had to be perfect. I was in major nesting mode and went a little overboard making Pat paint perfectly spaced pink polka dots on the newly purple walls. They turned out much better than I imagined and I’m so happy we took the time to create this playful accent wall. It was a process to say the least. I really hope for his sake I don’t get the nesting bug that bad this time around! We cut squares out of clear contact paper and then 5″ circles in the center of each leaving room on the outsides so we could evenly stick them on the walls and use each as a stencil. We lined the wall with ribbon to measure each row from side to side, top to bottom and the distance between each circle and proceeded to paint each pink dot on the wall. If someone asked me to do this now I would say they were crazy. I probably am a little crazy. I’m seriously the luckiest woman alive because my husband puts up with me and actually completes most of my outlandish requests. 🙂
The polka-dot accent wall was the toughest project we took on. Thank goodness it was just one wall!
We also made a mobile. Pat crafted the woodwork to hang the elephants I created out of felt, buttons and stuffing. I went to town with modge-podge and craft paper making building blocks with craft paper and adding hand cut P-I-P-E-R letters, one on each, covering a large letter P with craft paper, and even the light switch plate. Like I said I was nesting! I wonder if all pregnant women get this neurotic? I’m not there yet this time around but I think it hit me around maybe… 30 weeks with my first.
We put two small shelves on the wall above Piper’s changing table (an old dresser we painted white) and put framed elephant drawings, stuffed elephants, the building blocks and letter ‘P’ I made, and a maternity photo from our shoot with Jaime Hearts Photography from when I was 39 weeks pregnant. I added a drawing my little friend Emerson drew for me the day I had Piper and keep adding things like her artwork and birthday party invitations. It is a little gallery, always changing. I love adding new things as Piper grows.
Piper just started climbing out of her crib last week so we are in the market for a toddler bed. Still, she will always be my baby whether she’s sleeping in a bassinet, crib, toddler bed, or king size bed! She is the sweetest most loving little girl. My favorite moment of mommy-hood so far was a few months ago first thing in the morning; Piper woke up early, gave me the biggest hug, and said word for word, “I love you! You are my best friend EVER, Mommy!” Melted my heart. I will never forget that moment! I even wrote it in my calendar 🙂 I can’t even begin to imagine what it will be like to have two little girls and be surrounded by that much love. I can’t wait!