A Mini Adventure Continued :: Monterey, CA

After a fun day in Big Sur celebrating our 6 year wedding anniversary, we headed North to Monterey, CA for the night. Monterey never disappoints us. The hotel we usually stay in (where we stayed on our wedding night) was under construction causing us to try something new. The theme of this years anniversary was ‘do something different’ but still kinda the same.

img_1131 We stayed at The Hilton Garden Inn  which was overall a great experience. We had the nicest room at the whole place thanks to a very generous friend’s anniversary gift (thank you!!), we had more space then we knew what to do with. It was perfect, the girls weren’t cooped up in a tiny hotel room, Kenzie had plenty of space to crawl around after a day of being held 90% of the time and Piper was free to chase after her.Our girls aren’t at the best age for dinners out at nice restaurants. (Kenzie 12 months & Piper 3.5 years) It has been challenging to take them out. We are usually good for the first 20 minutes and then Kenzie has finished eating, gets bored and wants to stand in the highchair trying to rock it back and forth. Piper gets tired of sitting quietly, coloring only holds her attention for 10 minutes then her food for another 10-15. Maybe this should stop us from going out to eat.. but it doesn’t. We went down to Cannery Row for dinner at Lalla Oceanside Grill   the food was amazing, we did have to rush to eat so the girls didn’t lose it. Pat even had to take Kenzie for a walk while I finished eating.  They put us right up against the window in the corner of the restaurant, next to a few other tables with small children. I’d definitely go back.

After a good night sleep, we headed back to Cannery Row for a little adventure.

Monterey Canning Company2016-06-12 13.04.052016-06-12 13.06.31

2016-06-12 13.03.34

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We had lunch at The Fish Hopper.

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Walked along Cannery Row to the Aquarium and watched for sea otters.

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Stopped by a few candy shops because candy shops are so exciting for a three-year-old… and for me! I love the colors and the smells. I’m not a big candy person, I’m much more into chocolate but there is something about a candy shop that always makes me smile.


Candy-shop-Canery-Row Monterey-California

Carmel apples make the everything better, in my opinion, sadly my husband is allergic to apples so Piper and I have made it a tradition to share one when we travel. 2016-06-12 15.28.32We’ll be back next year Monterey. We love you so.





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  • A Mini Adventure :: Big Sur, CA | 2 Blonde Mamas
    July 8, 2016 at 12:40 pm

    […] Big Sur is a beautiful place to visit and explore. We throughly enjoyed our day there. We headed to Monterey next for dinner and to stay the night to continue our anniversary tradition. Read about our time in Monterey HERE.  […]