Kenzie: 10 Months! 

DSC_0560The past 10 months have flown by in the blink of an eye! It is amazing to me that Kenzie will by ONE in only 2 short months. Each month seems to slip past me even faster then the last. I’d like to stop time and live in this moment for a while longer.


Kenzie has been such a happy little girl now that she is a pro at crawling. She loves the fact that she can get where she wants to go on her own. She is so speedy she can get down the hall out of sight in a matter of seconds. As long as I’ve vacuumed and cleared any small toys from reach I let her explore wherever she wants, excluding bathrooms of course. The only challenge she faces is in the kitchen, she slides around a little or tries to crawl using her hands and feet instead of her hands and knees once she hits slick tile. She is somewhat successful with her silly form of crawling. To make it easier on her we started using pants from Go Little One Go that have cute little rubber stars on the knees making sliding around on the floor a thing of the past. With her Go Pants on she is a master at that tile floor and can crawl around to her delight with confidence.


Crawling is the cutest stage. I love the little wiggly speed crawl and soak it up as much as I can. I know that this stage won’t last very long. Kenzie is pulling herself up on all every piece of furniture  she spots. I’m sure she will be walking before I’m ready for it.


Kenzie now has 6 teeth, 3 on top and 3 on bottom. She loves feeding herself finger foods and it makes life so much easier on me! She’ll shovel food into her mouth for a good 20 minutes keeping herself entertained making it possible for me to get the dishes done. Amazing! We started giving Kenzie some common food allergy items getting relief each time she has had no reaction. When Piper was a baby they recommended waiting until age one to feed most of the common food allergy items, the doctors told me it is now thought to be better to introduce things earlier so there is less of a chance of developing an allergy. This was a little bit new and kind of intimidated me. Kenzie loves eggs and is good with peanut butter. She’d eat a pound of sliced turkey and all the cheese in the world if I let her. She is so proud of her new independence both eating finger foods and crawling.


Kenzie is the most amazing little baby girl. Her personality is the sweetest, getting more affectionate every passing day, she hugs us and gives kisses. She is always hugging her stuffed animal too! She loves waving hello and clapping her cute baby hands. She even signs all done and more! Her giggles are infectious and she always wants to see what the bigger kids are doing. She is an observer, always paying very close attention to her surroundings soaking all the information in.

Kenzie Jean, you are loved beyond words.


Alia (Mama)


Thank you Go Little One Go for making this post possible!

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