Growing Up With Graco

We are headed out of town for a road trip back to one of our favorite little towns in California this weekend, Murphy’s. This time we are going to a family reunion on my husband’s father’s side of the family. I’m looking forward to meeting people I’ve never meet and introducing them to our 2 daughters. While preparing for our road trip I’ve been dreading the drive because our almost five-year-old, Piper, complains about her car seat being uncomfortable literally every time she is in it. Driving long distances with toddlers is already difficult enough. Thankfully, we were able to get a new Graco car seat to eliminate most of that whining just in time for our trip!


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2017-10-05 14.12.44Piper is still pretty tiny, she’s in the 10th percent in both height and weight, barely weighing 30 pounds. Her two-year-old sister is quickly catching up! I kept Piper rear facing until she was 3.5 and have been concerned for her safety if we were to get into an accident since she’s such a little peanut. Graco car seats are rigorously tested to exceed US FMVSS safety standards, helping make every protective parent more comfortable driving around their most precious passengers.


2017-10-05 14.12.59The line of Graco products is extensive with products for children from infancy to youth. The seat we chose will work for Piper until she is 8 years old (in California kids have to be in a car seat until 8 years old by law), and maybe longer if she keeps growing at her current rate.

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We had ours delivered with the free 2 day shipping saving me a trip out of town, and with a job, 2 kids and ladedade… any extra time is very helpful in my life!

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// Dresses HERE // Hats HERE // Car seat HERE //

Now I’m looking forward to the drive to Murphy’s and can’t wait to turn the music up and sing our hearts out!



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