Finding Me Again

2016-08-26 16.18.02My husband said something to me the other day that really made me think. “You don’t care about yourself anymore do you?” Referring to me never dressing up. “You never wear high heals anymore, you never…” he kept going… I stopped listening (sorry babe.)

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I could have smacked him… but as much as I hate to admit it he’s kind-a right. After becoming a mom I put myself way behind all other priorities. First and for most are the kids and my husband, then there is my job, this blog, the household chores and so on and so on. I fell away from me. I don’t do things for myself often, I don’t take time to draw or paint or create fashion pieces anymore.

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Back to my husbands comment. In my defense, it’s not like I NEVER dress up, more like I rarely do. The reality is we don’t go on date nights often, I can count them on one hand since our youngest has been born. We aren’t in college going out 4 times a week wasting our money on fancy cocktails and expensive dinners at crowded bars like we used to. We see our friends every couple months instead of several times per week. Thing changed…of course they did. I’m a mama of 2 little ones under 4 and we moved out of the area. We’ve grown up a bit.

I wear the “mom uniform” a couple days a week, meaning workout clothes, cute ones, but non-the-less workout clothes when I have no intention of working out. I don’t work out, I should…but I don’t. I dropped Piper off at Camp this morning in workout clothes; the worst part is the camp is at a gym.

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I have a degree in fashion design and would consider myself a fashion forward individual always slightly ahead of the trends. I’d say I have an eye for it. I had my own swimwear line for a few years and worked in the fashion design industry for several more. Today I hold the title of Creative Director for a company in the Silicon Valley, it has nothing to do with fashion but I get to be creative on a daily bases. I work from home, which has its perks and its downfalls. I often start working before the kids wake while still in my pj’s and don’t get dressed until noon. There is no reason to dress nicely for the workday except for the rare occasion I go to a meeting at the office.

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I’m rambling, my point is I should put ME higher on my priority list and I’m going to start. First things first, I’m getting my nails done, putting on some lipstick and updating my wardrobe to be less mommy, then documenting it here on this blog because I want to find ME again. I may even attempt to pick up a pencil and sketch this afternoon.

Who’s with me?


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  • Life Lately. | 2 Blonde Mamas
    September 28, 2016 at 5:00 pm

    […] the same way so it’s ok for me to admit the fact. So it took me 3 weeks since my last post Finding Me Again, but I finally went out and got my nails done, for me and me alone. It was much easier to […]