37 Weeks Pregnant :: She’s Almost Here!

pregnancymaternity 37 Weeks! Baby girl #2 is almost here and I can’t believe it! I’m excited and nervous and not ready just yet…
37 weeks

We aren’t as prepared for baby as Danielle and her family when it comes to prep… hospital bags aren’t packed and although we have a good start, the nursery is far from complete. Danielle’s baby girl’s nursery is beautiful and bags have been packed for over a week, but I have a whole new attitude. No stress aloud! It isn’t worth it. The baby’s room doesn’t need to be perfect, she won’t sleep in it for months. Piper stayed in our room for a full 6 months, so why stress? Her room was perfect when she was born and we basically used it for baby storage for what felt like forever. As much as I would like to have everything in perfect order, folded, rolled and organized, I’ve come to grips with reality and it just isn’t going to happen.

pregnancy journal

The hospital bag on the other hand should be packed and ready to go now that I’m full term! Baby could come any day. I am still scheduled for a c-section on May 22nd (less then 2 weeks away!!) but have decided if I go into labor early that is what my body says is meant to be and I will try for a VBAC.

daddy and daughter 37 weeks

Time to get all the items checked off my Baby Prep Checklist! New post coming soon!

Xoxo- Alia

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