A Princess Bed for Piper

The transition from a crib to a bed was kinda a big deal for Piper. She had learned how to climb out AND had a sister coming who would eventually need her crib. She really didn’t want to give her ‘cib’ to baby sister.

Making a princess bed

We made the mistake of not buying the whole convertable crib set right away thinking we had plenty of time to get the toddler conversion set. That was a big mistake! The crib company went out of business about 6 months after Piper was born, ironically right when she started using her crib. That was not at all something I anticipated happening. (If you decide to buy a convertible crib, don’t wait until you need the parts!) Instead of buying a brand new bed we decided it would be pretty special to make Piper her very own one-of-a-kind princess bed.

building a canopy toddler bed

I did a little research on Pinterest (I’m totally addicted) and showed Pat what I was thinking. He got to work instantly and made the most amazing bed! He added his own creative flare and took the design to the next level by adding fancy brackets and pretty molding. Piper was included from the very beginning. She helped pick out the wood from Southern Lumber, watched daddy saw the pieces to the right size, and even got to help screw in a screw or two. I think this really helped the transition from crib to toddler bed.

making a toddler bedToddler bed construction

We used her crib mattress so she was still comfortable and familiar with it. To prevent her from falling out of her new bed we rolled up a beach towel and stuck it under the sheet instead of buying a toddler guard rail.

The moment she saw her new princess bed all set up in her big girl room she was ecstatic!

princess bedDIY toddler bed

Piper is so lucky to have such an amazing daddy who is willing to spend his spear time doing things like building and painting pretty princess beds! He’d do anything for her. He’s deserves the best dad of the year title.

how to make a toddler bed

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  • Amanda Bravo
    July 6, 2015 at 6:22 pm

    Love it! Pat did a great job!!

    • 2blondemamas
      July 7, 2015 at 8:26 am

      He’s such a good dad! 😊