A New Year

DSC_04542015 was a year full of surprises. Challenging moments and great things happened. In May we were blessed with our new addition Kenzie, now 7 months old. In July we moved our family out of the Silicon Valley to the peaceful county. Piper turned three in October to her delight we celebrated with a Fairy Princess Pirate Party. The companies my husband and I work for both have grown exponentially his even moved locations. It was a busy year and an amazing one even though it had its tough spots there was more good that came out of it then bad.

DSC_04302016 is here and we are so excited to see what it brings to our family. We have decided to focus on family and our future first and foremost. Trying to take mini trips as often as possible and just be together more making sure to enjoy the little things that put a smile on our girl’s faces. Watching them grow and learn now skills. DSC_0514DSC_0435DSC_0409

Keeping the spark in our eyes and bounce in our step. Living each day like it could be our last for each other and our children.

I am excited, feeling very focused and creative starting this year off with a positive, productive attitude. This is going to be a good year I know it! I hope it is great for you! Happy New Year! Here’s to 2016!



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