35 Weeks Pregnant!

35 weeks chihuahua This little girl is still an active one, moving constantly, kicking and wiggling. I’m anxious for my ultrasound this week, we will find out how big baby is, her position and double check the amniotic band hasn’t caused her any issues.  Hopefully we will get a confirmation that she is in fact a girl. We are still going off our 13 week ultrasound results as they weren’t able to confirm gender at 20 weeks because of the babies positioning. If we end up with a baby boy it would be quite a shock! Plus we just painted the nursery pink!

painting the nursery

So much to do and so little time to do it! We have less then a month until my scheduled c-section. Assuming baby hold’s off until then. Knowing the date has been both a good thing and a bad thing when it comes to getting things ready and procrastination.
Pat’s injury set us back quite a bit on timing but thankfully he is much better and the doctors think he won’t need surgery. Woohoo! Now it is time to buckle down and get this nursery put together and enjoy some quality time as a family before we welcome our newest addition.

Xo- Alia

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