Rainy Day Activities :: Indoor Race Track

The last time we had a big rain storm my husband got creative with the rainy day activities and built the girls (and himself) an indoor race track. The girls LOVED it! And so did he! We don’t get many rainy days where we live on the central coast of California, so when we do, my kids don’t know what to do with themselves and we all start to go stir-crazy. Piper and Kenzie are used to playing outside all year long, riding their Bikes or splashing in the water table, yes even in December. This week it’s supposed to rain for 7 days straight so I’m sharing how you can make your own indoor race track! How to build your own Rainy Day Race Track What You’ll Need: hardwood or tile floors some orange or blue tape mini cars to ride on helmets recommended an over-enthusiastic announcer (my husband filled this spot perfectly!) Optional: remote control cars for the bigger kids and/or adults How To: Start with a starting line with tape on the floor. Use the tape and/or cones to mark a track around the floor. Add arrows made of tape so the kids know what direction they are supposed to … Continue reading Rainy Day Activities :: Indoor Race Track