Ginger bread decorating

Christmas is in the Air

With Christmas just a few days away, I wanted to share some of our family’s traditions both old and new.

Piper is at such a fun age where EVERYTHING about Christmas time puts the biggest smile on her cute face, so we play it up as much as we can! Kenzie feeds off of all the smiles and giggles making this time of year even more special.

Ginger Bread House

When Piper and I were at the grocery store she saw a Ginger Bread House kit and loved the picture on the box. I decided to buy it; it sounded like a fun idea. I wasn’t too sure how it would go because she only just turned three but we went for it! We stayed in our jammies got to work on our masterpiece. It ended up being pretty easy to assemble and a lot of fun for all of us!

Train Under Tree

Pat bought a train set for under our tree years ago before we had kids. Last year he upgraded from our $19.99 train set from Walgreens to a ‘real’ train set with all the bells and whistles. He and Piper have a great time setting the train up around the Christmas tree together and playing conductor. It’s kinda their thing 🙂 They let Kenzie in on the fun too!

Click HERE for a little video from our first year with the train set! Piper just turned two in it. It makes me smile every time I watch it. Hopefully it will make you smile too! 🙂

Jammies all day, trains, ginger bread houses and a tickle fight for the win! This little family of mine makes me so happy! All I want for Christmas is happy kids, a cup of coco and some cuddles in front of the Christmas tree.

Happy Holidays!

xo- Alia

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