I’m finally getting around to writing about our European vacation back in October. Life has been more than hectic, busy and exciting in the last few months. Right before Piper turned 2 (so she qualified as a lap infant and her flight was basically free!) we took a trip to Europe. My in-laws recently moved to Ireland where they have citizenship. We decided to take advantage of the amazing opportunity to visit them and while we were already halfway across the world to see another country. We decided on Italy, my dream destination. I am Italian (well I’m American but my relatives descended from Italy) and Pat is almost 100% Irish so we enjoyed experiencing both cultures. The first stop on our two-week journey was Rome. Piper was amazing on the 14+hour flight there. She sat quietly in the bassinet in front of our seat coloring and playing with her toys. When it started to get dark she played on the iPad for maybe 20 minutes and then fell asleep for the rest of the flight. I wish Pat and me were so lucky to be able to sleep on the plane and in a bed, I am so thankful Piper could! It saved us from having an unhappy toddler and she entirely skipped any jet lag on the way there. A perfect start to our trip! If you are interested, you can read about International Travel Tips with Toddlers HERE.
We arrived in Rome, the most amazing city I have ever been to, and were awestruck!
We decided it would be easiest to stay in an apartment so we had access to a kitchen and a space to make our own during our visit. I found an amazing little place in the Roman Forum on airbnb. It was so charming, they even had a pack-n-play for Piper to sleep in, but the best part was the location. We could walk everywhere and we did walk everywhere! The only time we took a taxi was from the airport to the apartment and from the apartment to the train station! Want a $25 discount on your next Airbnb rental?! Click HERE
Just steps out of our front door were the Roman Forum, The Vittoriano and the Colosseum. It was beyond amazing!

The Colosseum
Walk a little further and the Trevi Fountain (which unfortunately was under construction), Pantheon and Key-Hole were at our fingertips.

The Pantheon
There is so much to see…everywhere you look something jumps out and grabs your attention. The architecture, cathedrals, statues, and overall culture is incredible. It was such an amazing experience and being able to share it with Pat and Piper was a chance of a lifetime! All my fears of traveling to Europe with a toddler were put to ease. The people in Rome are friendly and love children although you don’t see very many.
A good stroller and comfortable shoes are a must. The cobblestone streets were slightly challenging with our Maclaren umbrella stroller but it worked out! We must have walked ten hours a day exploring every corner of the cities beauty.
The food was amazing and it wasn’t a problem finding gluten-free options at every restaurant we went to which made everything better for all of us! I get pretty grumpy when I don’t eat and having a gluten allergy can prove troublesome while traveling. Rome makes the top of my list on European vacation spots so far. 🙂

Our next stop…VENICE!!